Netflix Content Hub & Vendor Submission
Netflix's Content Hub is a file hosting and transport service which leverages Aspera for file transfer and Content Hub's web UI for authentication. In order to configure your Netflix project to use Content Hub, please follow the steps below.
Vendor Submission Setup
There is no setup necessary for Vendors to use Content Hub with the [RE]DESIGN Vendor Submission tool, but [RE]DESIGN must pre-configure a few settings on the backend before the project can leverage it. First, please notify [RE]DESIGN of the intention to use Content Hub so we can enable it in the Vendor Submission app.
Configuration Setup
The below data are required for [RE]DESIGN to set up the integration properly:
Send Content Hub Project ID to [RE]DESIGN
First, sign into Content Hub and choose the project which will be used for the integration.
When you click on the project, the Project ID will be shown in the URL. The easiest way to send it to us is to email the entire URL to your [RE]DESIGN support ticket like this:
Shared Folder Setup
Every vendor should have their own Shared Folder created by the administrator of the project.
We do not require any specific naming convention, but the vendor folder must be unique to the project - no other shared folder can contain the same folder name. If you are using our Aspera Files integration at the same time, you should use the same name for each vendor folder in both applications.
Sharing the Folder
Use Content Hub's folder sharing tools to share the same folder with all users which require access to the same vendor folder. For instance, if you are sharing vendor_RVC with Dennis and Scott at RVC then share with both dserras@vendor.ext and sfritzshall@vendor.ext.
If you know when the show will be or sure be completed, you can put in an expiration date.
We ask that in preparation you create a shared folder for [RE]DESIGN to test with. Please share this folder with our test account. In addition, share all the vendor folders with your [RE]DESIGN integration lead for support purposes.
Adding the Folder in ShotGrid
The folder for each Vendor should be added to ShotGrid on the People > Groups page, in the Remote Vendor Folder field. Note that this is also used by the Aspera Files configuration, so if you are using both integrations, you should use the same shared folder names in both Aspera and Content Hub.
Vendor Authentication
When the vendor attempts to upload a submission with the Upload Submission tool, Content Hub will load in the web browser and request the user to sign in. This authentication will last for 36 hours before it requires the user to sign in again. Once the vendor has signed in, the upload will begin.
Production Authentication
Currently the Content Hub authentication cannot be extended past 36 hours. Therefore we recommend the production to re-authenticate every morning to keep Content Hub deliveries ingesting. To do so, click on the Gear icon in the Ingest Queue.
The default Transfer Setting which appears should be the Content Hub setup. If not, please choose Content Hub.
Click the Reset Credentials button in order to force Content Hub to re-authenticate and allow you to sign in again.
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