Import Scan Tool
[RE]DESIGN's Import Scans app brings relevant editorial information about your scans into ShotGrid, which can then be used to request pulls compiling the footage to be pulled in the edit, export out an EDL (or tab-delimited text file) and drag this into the app to create Versions in scans.
Note: The information that follows assumes you are using an Avid editing system. Much of it will be the same for other systems, but contact [RE]DESIGN if you have any questions.
Preparing and Exporting Editing Data
The Import Scans app provides two options for bringing in data from an editing system: either via EDL with locators, or via a tab-delimited
Note: Which option you use will likely be due to personal preference. The tab-delimited text file route allows for importing more editorial information into ShotGrid, but if you’re going to be using locators anyway then generating EDLs will be a much quicker approach.
Option 1 — Export EDL with Locators
With this approach, you create a Sequence with everything you want to scan for a particular pull request, using locators to indicate which EDL, along with a set of thumbnails, to be used with the Import Scans app.
First, create (or copy) a new Sequence. The Import Scans app will use the Sequence name to generate a Playlist name (for subsequent give the Sequence the same name you intend to use for the request.
In the Sequence itself, include just the footage you intend to scan, so that each clip corresponds to a single pull and that the start and end footage needing to be pulled (inclusive of any handles).
Note: By default, the Import Scans app assumes 0-frame handles. Handle frame lengths can be specified in ShotGrid after the import.
Ensure that each clip contains a single locator (the locator color does not matter), which has the desired name of the scan (this will be us you’re ready, export the Sequence as an EDL to a folder of your choice.
Next, export the Sequence locators as JPEGs to the same folder, and in the settings, ensure that “Sequential Files” and “Markers Only” a
Option 2 — Export Tab-delimited Text File
With this approach, you create a bin with individual clips for everything you want to scan for a particular pull request, including columns fo tab-delimited file, along with a set of thumbnails, to be used with the Import Scans app.
First, create a new bin. The Import Scans app will use the bin’s name to generate a Playlist name (for subsequent use with the Request S name as you intend to use for the request. Make sure the bin displays columns for all the information you wish to export.
The following columns are required by this process and must be included in the bin:
- “Name” (or “Version Name”)
- “Clip” (or “Source Clip”)
- “Tape”
- “Start” (as a timecode)
- “End” (as a timecode)
Here, “Name” represents what the scan should be called (which will be shown as the “Version Name” in ShotGrid), and “Clip” should be th The following columns are not required but will be used if provided:
- “Head” (or “Head Duration”) “Tail” (or “Tail Duration”) “First Frame”
- “Slate”
- “Format”
- “Comments” (or “VFX Comments”)
Note: The app can be configured to use default values for many of the optional columns.
Any other columns will be ignored. To avoid potential conflicts it’s best to not include any unnecessary columns.
Tip: The Import Scans app can be configured to either assume handles are included within the start and end timecodes, or that they will be added based on the head and tail values provided.
Add all the clips (or subclips) you want to include in the bin, and verify that the information listed for each is correct. Then when you’re rea folder of your choice.
Next you’ll want to save the thumbnails for each of the clips in the bin, making sure that each is named the same as the corresponding cli the tab file.
Import to ShotGrid
Once you have created a folder with the exported data, you’re ready to use the Import Scans app to create Versions in ShotGrid to track a To launch the app, either:
- Open the ShotGrid Desktop app, browse to your project, and click the Import Scans icon, or
- In your browser, from any ShotGrid page in your project, choose Project Actions > Import Scans.
Note: You must have the ShotGrid Desktop app installed. For more information about the ShotGrid Desktop app, Getting started with ShotGrid Desktop.
The Import Scans window will be shown.
To import the data, drag the folder with the exported data onto the app.
Note: Make sure you drag the folder itself, and not just the EDL or tab-delimited text file, or else the import will complete without including the thumbnails.
Once complete, you can click “Jump to ShotGrid” to be taken to the newly created Playlist with the clips needing to be pulled. From here y the request, via the “Request Scan” app.
Controlling Import Scans’ Behavior
The Import Scans app has a number of different aspects that can be configured to accommodate different workflows. To change any of th
Link Fields
The app will automatically try to fill in the Link field for each scan based on the Version Name. For example, if the scan is named “042_CE existing Shot called “042_CE_0490”. Depending on your naming conventions, this link may be left blank when you use the app.
Note: By default, the app expects shots to be named in the form 001_AA_0010 and scans to be 001_AA_0010_el01_v01.
Automatic Shot Creation
The app will automatically create a new Shot if it can’t find an existing one to fill in the Link field, unless the scan doesn’t match the expec importing lens grids).
Appendix: Field Calculations
These are the fields processed by our tools during Import Scan:
First Frame is the default from the configuration or imported with the TXT file
Length is Timecode Out - Timecode In
Last Frame is First Frame + Length - 1
Head Duration is provided in the TXT file, but will default to a value in the configuration if not filled in
Tail Duration is provided in the TXT file, but will default to a value in the configuration if not filled in
Cut In is First Frame + Head Duration
Cut Out is First Frame - Tail Duration
Cut Length is Cut Out - Cut In
Work In is Cut In - Work Head Duration
Work Out is Cut Out - Work Tail Duration
Work Length is Work Out - Work In + 1
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